How to use analytics in search engine optimisation

SEO > Analytics

Without website analytics installed on your website, you’re missing out on data that could be vital to the success of your business.

iSupport Websites prefer Google Analytics, which can tell you how many people are visiting your website, where they came from, what they looked at, how long they stayed for and what percentage converted into sales.  With a little development this use of SEO analytics can also be modified to work as a fully functional ecommerce tracking platform.

Google Analytics Qualified

iSupport Websites consultants are Google Analytics Qualified and experts in interpreting the data Google Analytics produces.  Our SEO consultants use the data to refine your SEO strategy by analysing everything: which content is attracting traffic, tracking where it’s coming from and where it leaves the site.

Interpreting Your Data

Following the installation of Google Analytics on your site we’ll guide you through the data it produces and how to use that data to add value to your business.  In no time at all you’ll realise just how valuable Google Analytics data is and where that data can help your business grow.

Contact us for more information on SEO analytics by iSupport Websites.